Active Shooter Events from 2000 to 2012
The full content of the FBI's report on "Active shooter Events from 2000 to 2012" can be found here ---> The Report
Summary of Key Points
This report includes all active shooter events, not just schools.
1. The rate at which active shooter events happen is increasing. It rose from 1 every other month to more than 1 per month.
2. The number of people shot each year is also increasing.
3. Schools make up 29% of the active shooter events (Business was the highest category: 40%)
4. Police response times varied between 1 and 12 minutes. The median response time was 3 minutes. Figure 4 from the report is shown below.

Active Shooter Events from 2000 to 2012, By J. Pete Blair, Ph.D., M. Hunter Martaindale, M.S., and Terry Nichols, M.S.
5. The number shot varied between 1 and 18. It was noted in the report that in the five largest casualty incidents, the police arrived within 3 minutes. (AAT comment - this indicates that even an excellent police response time of 3 minutes
is not fast enough. This is why Armed Teachers are necessary. Armed teachers and staff are the First Responders.
6. Weapons used were: Pistol 59%, Rifle 26%, Shotgun 8%, and Unknown 7%.
This report also addresses how the criminal was stopped (suicide, officer, civilians, etc.), single officer vs. multiple officers responding, the importance of rifles in school responses due to the existence of long hallways, the use of shields, and the importance of citizen response.